I met with Borders Buses on Monday to discuss the end of four Travelsure services across Berwickshire and future local routes across the Borders.
The discussion on Monday was arranged following the recent announcement that four Berwickshire bus routes would cease operations in October as a result of a national shortage of drivers.
At the meeting, I welcomed the news that Borders Buses and Scottish Borders Council are working together to ensure local people have the services they need.
Borders Buses also said that demand for the Pingo bus through Berwickshire has been excellent and they will soon put a third bus on the service.
People need good local public transport services to get to work, to visit friends and family, and to go about their daily lives.
I am pleased to hear that Borders Buses and the Scottish Borders Council are working closely to help local people following the news that four Travelsure services across Berwickshire will soon cease operations.
It is encouraging to hear that the Pingo services through Berwickshire will soon be expanded as a result of high demand. Hopefully this service might be expanded to other parts of the Borders.
I also asked that Borders Buses consider the possibility of additional services to and from Reston Railway Station, so that it is better connected with other parts of the Borders.
There is also a pressing need to ensure people in Jedburgh and Selkirk can access reliable local services to the Borders General Hospital.
I am pleased that Borders Buses are monitoring service provision closely and I will continue to highlight any concerns that local people raise with me.
Thank you to Borders Buses for taking the time to meet with me and discuss the priorities of local people.