The consultation process for the Cross Border Connection Project has now closed, but the campaign to stop the proposals for mega-pylons is continuing at pace.
I am doing everything I can to prevent these plans from going ahead because I don't believe they are right for the Borders. I made that very clear in my submission to the consultation by the energy company Scottish Power Energy Networks (SPEN).
I stated that I am completely opposed to the mega-pylon project because it would damage local communities and our countryside.
There are many potentially negative consequences that could arise if the project goes ahead. The proximity of pylons to homes could impact the quality of life for many local residents. Our countryside could be scarred, which would damage tourism, leave businesses out of pocket, and risk the environment. Agricultural land could suffer, which could affect farms and reduce the amount of produce made here in the Borders. I believe there is another solution - instead of so many overhead wires, underground cabling should be considered.
I have been speaking regularly with the local campaign organisation, Action Against Pylons, who are an alliance of approximately nine community groups including those in Thornielee & Laidlawstiel, Walkerburn, Clovenfords, Etrrick & Yarrow, Save Scotts Countryside, Lauder & Stow, Hawick & Newcastleton, Upper Liddesdale & Hermitage and Teviot.
The groups recently united to form the Action Against Pylons alliance. As a first step, the organisation has invited SPEN and representatives of the Scottish government to walk the proposed route for the pylons so that they can put themselves in the shoes of the people who know and love the Scottish Borders.
That seems like a reasonable and sensible request to me. After all, if the people making decisions that will affect the Scottish Borders don't know the land well, then what right do they have to force pylons on those of us who do know and love it?
The group has also started a petition which I would encourage you to sign, alongside the campaign on my website, which is available at the following link: The more people we have registering opposition to these proposals, the more likely it is that the Scottish government and SPEN will be forced to reconsider.
Please continue to contact me about these proposals and together, we can protect the Borders from the harm these mega-pylons could do.